Dancer and Classroom Etiquette

Proper classroom etiquette and attire is essential to the education and training of a dancer. The following rules are universal and are followed by all major dance programs and professional companies. We ask that you apply them at Dance Connection as well.

Classroom Etiquette for Dancers

  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early to prepare yourself appropriately for class. If late, wait for the exercise in progress to be over before entering the studio. Students arriving late may be asked to observe instead of participate.
  • If a student needs to leave early, he/she must ask the teacher’s permission before class begins. Please exit discreetly so as not to disrupt class.
  • Water bottles are encouraged. Dancers may drink during transition times,
    not while the teacher is talking and/or instructing.
  • Stay in the back of the room if you do not know the combination.
  • Students should never stop in the middle of an exercise unless an injury is sustained.
  • Eyes and attention must always be on the teacher. Talking, leaning on the barre, yawning or leaving class before it is over is not acceptable.
  • Be appreciative of corrections and apply them. Students will progress only as well as they can take corrections.
  • Do not talk back to your teacher regardless of the situation. It is improper to question the teacher’s authority. If you have a problem, you may talk to the teacher after class.
  • Be kind to your classmates. A positive attitude and tone must be kept at all times in the studio and dressing room. Displays of temper and rudeness are unacceptable. Your teacher reserves the right to ask you to leave if negative behavior is observed.
  • After class, applaud your teacher and thank him/her for class (in Ballet, a bow or curtsey is appropriate).
  • Keep your things neat, in your dance bag and off of the studio floor during class.
  • No gum chewing, eating or drinking (except water) is allowed in the studios, and use the trash can!
  • Do not wear your dance shoes outside the studio and do not wear street shoes inside the studio, this preserves the life of your dance wear and the life of our dance floors.
  • Please label shoes and other personal items and do not bring valuables to the studio.
  • If you have a cell phone, turn it off.
  • Please leave the dance studio area as soon as your class is over. Remaining in the studio to chat with friends, etc. creates a disturbance and often delays the beginning of the next class.
  • “Sloppy attire encourages sloppy performance. Dress beautifully and the dancing will follow!” Would you wear ballet attire to hip hop? Of course not, so why would you wear hip hop attire to ballet? You will dance as you have dressed. Your attire sets the tone for how you will dance. Warm-ups may be worn during barre/ warm-up at the teacher’s discretion. Your teacher reserves the right to ask you to observe class if you are not dressed appropriately

Classroom Etiquette for Dance Class Observers

  • No cell phones. Turn the ringer off. If it is an emergency, please discreetly leave the room to talk on your phone.
  • Absolutely no food or drinks on the dance floor and in the studio. This includes toddlers, siblings, and coffee. Dancers are encouraged to bring a re-usable or recyclable water bottle.
  • No sitting on the dance floor space, even in chairs. The studio foyer in L5 near the garage door may be used as a watching area. If it is full, use the lobby viewing area. In J2, the hallway must remain clear at all times. Please view class from the dressing room or the J office.
  • If you would like to visit with other parents, please use the lobby viewing area or outdoor space where you are welcome to talk. We respectfully request no talking among the dance class viewers in the dance space.
  • Do not allow your children to touch the mirrors. This is a very important safety issue! Not only are they glass, and breakable, but every little finger produces a print which lasts until those large mirrors are cleaned once again.
  • Keep all young children completely under your control. Toddlers may not run loose inside. Please explore the area with your young child outdoors.
  • Parents wishing to discuss their child’s progress with the teacher should leave a message on the studio phone, or send an email and the teacher will return the call or email in a timely fashion. It is very difficult for the teachers to maintain their tight class schedules if they are answering parents’ questions in between classes. We appreciate your understanding on this matter.
  • Leave the teaching to us. Even if you have been, or are a professional and qualified dancer, while your child is in class, let us do the teaching. You can practice all you want with your child at home.

Dance class is also the perfect opportunity to teach a variety of other important life-lessons. Self- confidence, improvisation, perseverance, respect, consideration, discipline, appreciation, and the importance of giving one’s heartfelt effort are just a few. We strive to teach our dancers the value of a solid dance education, as well as dance etiquette skills that will be useful throughout life.We value all of our wonderful parents, and know that we all want the same thing from our dance class experience: to give our students the best possible dance education. Thank you for helping us to reach our goals in a positive way.